Red Kite offers one the most diverse forms of blockchain support, aiming to create a one-stop location for both investors and startups. We currently supports the following chains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and all EVM compatible chains.
We hand-pick projects cautiously, scrutinize and verify the project team’s origin and legitimacy, innovation of idea, and their capacity to execute their vision.
Our loyal members can earn incentives in the form of Red Kite points from our Reputation system for every $PKF placed in addition to the benefits of participating in profitable token sales and earning APY from the staking mechanism.
We understand that opportunities should be delivered fairly and efficiently. Red Kite's lane-based swap system ensures everybody has a chance to join accordingly based on their tier without having to resort to gas war.
Red Kite goes with a Distribution Portal for projects to vest their sold tokens. This feature can also be used for pre-sale or post-sale secondary offerings.
Red Kite constantly places a high priority on safeguarding and preserving the benefits of users with an appropriate refund policy. In the future, Red Kite will continuously develop top-notch features like project incubation, DAO model application, AI technologies, and many more to deliver robust user experience.